You may feel very low, sad or frustrated. A change in your mood can cause big changes in other parts of your life.

Depression is more than just a bad day, or a bad week. It’s not your fault. Depression can steal hope and motivation – things that help most people heal. The symptoms of depression can be difficult to fight on your own, so it is important to seek help. Depression is very treatable. You do not have to do everything on your own.

Some people who experience depression have suicidal thoughts. If you have thoughts of ending your life, seek help immediately. You can talk to anyone at any time by calling 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).

Depression is not your fault
While we know what causes depression, most researchers agree that many different things are involved. This includes changes in your body, history of other family members who have experienced depression, or stressful or difficult life events. Different ways of thinking and understanding the world can combine thoughts and feelings around depression.

Recognize the signs
Depression involves changes in your thoughts, feelings, actions and body that can last a long time without help.

Sad or down

Being angry or irritated


Numb – not feeling anything


“Nothing works”

“No one wants me”

“Everything is my fault”

“I don’t know why I’m trying”.

“I must end my life”.

Losing interest in the things you usually enjoy

Avoiding other people, even friends and family

Focusing on difficult times or making decisions

Spending hard time about your normal daily activities

Changes in your body
Changes in the way you sleep – such as too little or too much sleep

Physical problems like headaches or stomach aches are more frequent

Feel anxious or on the edge

Feeling tired all the time

Some people have suicidal thoughts, and these thoughts are very frightening. With treatment and support, these thoughts will become manageable and go away. Getting help is important if you ever think about ending your life. If you do not know where to go, call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).

A lot of people wonder if they just have a bad week, or if they are having a problem like depression. In general, it is good to talk to a doctor or health professional if:

Other symptoms of low mood or depression do not go away on their own and last for two weeks or more

It bothers you and creates problems in your life

You have a hard time keeping your focus

Remember, you are not responsible for your own diagnosis! If you\’re worried about your mental health, it\’s best to seek help early – wait and see if things go wrong.

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